The Global Graph Summit 2020
The Global Graph Summit is part of Data Day Texas. It's a conference with in a conference. Your Data Day Texas ticket gets you into all of the Global Graph Summit talks and workshops.
For several years, we've held Graph Day events in various cities around the US. For almost as long, attendees have been asking us to hold one big event -- an annual conference -- in addition to multiple regional ones. Following a survey to attendees, we decided that an annual conference was indeed the way to go, and the best place to host it would be in Austin - in conjunction with one of the oldest NoSQL/Big Data conferences - Data Day Texas. In 2019, we launched the inaugural edition of the Global Graph Summit - the largest industry focused vendor-neutral graph conference ever held.
Emil Efrim, founder of Neo4j, giving the Keynote at Graph Day / Data Day TX 2017. Check out the crowd. This is one of the reasons that Austin is the home for the Global Graph Summit.
Everyone is welcome
The Global Graph Summit is an independently organized vendor-neutral conference -- bringing leaders from every corner of the graph/linkedin-data community for sessions, workshops, and our well-known before and after parties. Previous speakers of our Graph Day events have included Emil Efrem, creator of Neo4j; Matthias Broecheler, Inventor of the Titan Distributed Graph Database; Marko Rodriquez, creator of the Gremlin query language and of Apache Tinkerpop fame; Jans Aasman, creator of AllegroGraph; Claudius Weinberger, creator of ArangoDB; Luca Garulli creator of OrientDB, Ted Wilmes and Jason Plurad of the JanusGraph project; and many others.
January is the best time to visit Austin -- when it's not 100 degrees. Check the weather forecast weekend in advance. Chances are that you won't even need a coat while in town. Adjacent to the 2nd floor conference exhibition area is a beautiful courtyard. Coffee and espresso are less than 100 steps away, and after 1pm, we open the bar.
What's new for 2020
For the upcoming edition, we have several new things in store:
• "Ask me anything" sessions with well-known industry experts.
• A Graph Party / Meet and Greet held the night before - for speakers and attendees.
• A full day of graph workshops and community events to be held the day after the summit.
• Much more still to be announced.

Lynn Pausic of Expero giving another one of her great graph visualization/ux talks at the Global Graph Summit.

Josh Perryman of VeracityID will be speaking at the upcoming Global Graph Summit.
Showcase your company at the Summit
The Global Graph Summit provides you with the best opportunity to get in front of architects and active practitioners who have problems to solve -- those who are looking to deploy as well as those who might be looking for a better solution. Send your best engineers to engage this audience. Visit the Sponsors page for details.
Neo4j exhibit at Graph Day TX 2017