Propose a talk or workshop

Please note that, in order to simplify the submissions process, and ensure quality of content, we only work directly with speakers. We do not respond to proposals, or queries about proposals, submitted via recruiters, HR depts, marketing, bizdev, PR departments, or product managers. We do not have sponsored talks. If you are interested in promoting your company at Data Day Texas, please consider joining us as a sponsor.

One of the hallmarks of Data Day Texas is the epic speaker party in the presidential suite -- with a well curated liquor inventory. We'll even serve you breakfast in the morning so you'll make your talk in time.

Testimonials from past speakers

"Lynn put on an event that went beyond my expectations -- he's one of the most experienced event organizers I've worked with and knows how to get a great group of people (speakers, coordinators, vendors, and attendees) together. It was a pleasure to meet so many supporters of my work, gain some new ones while I was there, and speak with industry experts from across the country. The conference had about 600 attendees, but it felt much smaller than that (in a good way!). Everyone was extremely welcoming and friendly, even by Seattle standards! Definitely not a conference where you're sitting around awkwardly looking for someone to converse with." - Ryan Mitchell, author of Web Scraping with Python.

"The DataDay conferences really treat speakers well. As a side benefit, they also attract all the best speakers so that dinners after and the speaker party have all kinds of interesting people to talk to. I definitely make time in my calendar to go if at all possible. One particularly refreshing aspect is that the Data Day conferences are vendor neutral which makes for a lot less "we own this conference and will say anything we want". - Ted Dunning, Chief Application Architect at MapR, and author of many books.

"Data Day is a resounding success to me. In an easy to approach way I learned more about cutting edge tools and from other smart data driven people. As a speaker I had a great time giving a talk to a highly engaged and smart audience. Highly recommend" - Matthew Kirk, author of Thoughtful Machine Learning and Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python.

"Participating in the first Data Day Seattle was an amazing time. This isn't a fluffy event with light talks. The speaker roster is deep and the participants are highly engaged as a result. Lynn and team do a wonderful job of providing a first class speaker experience and bring the crowds. This is going to be on my "must attend" list for sure. The only down side? There were talks I wanted to see scheduled at the same time as mine!" - Patrick McFadin, Chief Evangelist for Apache Cassandra, DataStax.

"Data Day Seattle was stuffed with top notch speakers and great socializing. I learned a lot about graph databases and streaming data pipelines as well as traditional DBMS techniques. I had a great time." - Charity Majors, Co-founder, Hound.

"I've never been to a data conference with so many people looking for work: a great conference if you're recruiting top data scientists and engineers! Thanks for a great conference - I'll try that bourbon next time!" - Rob Munro, Founder/CEO, Idibon.


Data Day Texas seeks presentations related to the following areas: big data, data workflow, data security, data science, internet of things, machine learning, predictive analytics, search, sentiment analysis, statistics, text analysis, time-series data. Talks are normally 50 minutes including Q&A. Workshops can be 1-2 hours.

If you are proposing medtech-related content, check out our separate Data Day MD site.

Case studies (not product pitches) involving multiple frameworks are especially welcome.

Proposals should include:
1) Proposed title
2) Talk outline and conclusion
3) Intended audience
4) technical skills and concepts required
5) Speaker biography
6) links to previous talks/videos.

Send all proposals and queries to

Please note that, in order to simplify the submissions process, we only work directly with speakers. We do not respond to proposals, or queries about proposals, submitted via recruiters, HR depts, marketing, bizdev, PR departments, or product managers. We do not have sponsored talks. If you are interested in promoting your company at Data Day Texas, please consider joining us as a sponsor.